The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Page 3 | Archives: October 2023 (63)

Page 3 | Archives: October 2023 (63)
Plant Maze Science Kit
Can a simple bean sprout grow its way through a complicated maze? Watch in amazement as it sprouts, grows, and winds its way up through a maze that you design.
Outboard Boat Motor Coffee Stirrer
A miniature, wind-up outboard boat motor that rests on the edge of a coffee mug / tea cup and stirs in cream and sugar with its propellers.
AlertMe - Wearable Anti-Sleep Driving Alarm
This lightweight device slips over the ear and if your head tilts forward more than 15-20 degrees, a 90 decibel alarm blasts you out from your peaceful slumber.
Torres Sparkling Wine Potato Chips
These gourmet, Spanish potato chips are infused with sparkling wine and popping candy to give them sweet, fruity flavor notes with a unique bubbly effect.
Belgian Waffle Bowl Maker
Make tasty waffle bowls with nearly unlimited filling possibilities. Fill with butter and syrup, fruits, ice cream, eggs and sausage, fried chicken, and more!
Spooky Swaying Eyeball Path Lights
These eerie illuminated eyeballs sway on flexible stalks in the crisp October breeze and are powered by a built-in solar panel, not demonic forces.
Ice Mold Bottle Chiller
Skip the boring ice bucket and put a chilled bottle of wine, Champagne, or even vodka on display with this ice mold bottle chiller / centerpiece / candleholder.
TOSY UltraLED Flying Disc - 360 Super Bright LEDs for Night Games
This high tech flying disk has 360 ultra bright LEDs around the edge, making it 1000x brighter than other light-up flying discs and perfect for night games.
Dante's Inferno Spicy Hot Candy Canes
This holiday season, have some mischievous Grinchy fun when you slip these cool new yet quite spicy hot candy canes in with the rest of the red and white ones.
6 Ft Tall Crazy Bonez Pose-N-Stay Skeleton
This spooky faux human skeleton stands over 6 ft tall, not the usual 5 ft, has posable, locking limbs and knees, and realistic, weather-resistant bones.
Pumpkin Jack-O'-Lantern Smokeless Indoor Tabletop Fire Pit
This Halloween, bring the cozy fire pit experience safely indoors with this clean-burning jack-o'-lantern tabletop fire pit. No messy carving required.
World's Largest Crossword Puzzle - 28,000 Clues!
This massive crossword puzzle has 28,000 clues, 91,000 squares, and can be hung on the wall like artwork, because it's going to be awhile before you finish it.
Massive Inflatable Crashed Flying Saucer
This massive 10 foot wide, illuminated alien flying saucer seems to have crashed landed into some equally giant inflatable boulders right on your front lawn.
Can of Dehydrated Water - Just Add Water!
To make infinite gallons of water, just mix in equal parts of this dehydrated dihydrogen monoxide with pure water and chug it before you dry out and blow away.
Spooky Real Bat Specimen Suspended in Resin
This real bat specimen is forever suspended in resin to study up close or enjoy as a curiosity and also won't be able to turn back into a vampire anytime soon.
Freddy Krueger Glove Chopsticks
When Freddy Krueger isn't stabbing little meatball heads on a pizza or devouring soul food, he dines with these cool new Freddy Krueger Glove Chopsticks.
Sausage and Cheese Guillotine
This cool new yet quite French Revolution-inspired Sausage Guillotine makes sausage slicing a bit more dramatic for those gathered around the charcuterie board.

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