The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Tag: Soil (223) | Lowest Price | Page 2

Tag: Soil | Low Price | 2
Glass Watering Balls
These cool new Watering Balls are handcrafted from mouth blown glass and are super easy to use. Simply fill them up with water and insert the tip into the soil... More
Handy Camel - Large Bag Clips
A tight sealing clip and convenient carrying handle for large bags, such as potting soil, fertilizer, pet food, ice salt, bird seed, BBQ charcoal, and more.
Potato Bin - Grow Your Own Potatoes - No Garden Required!
A 15-gallon fabric nursery pot designed to provide the best conditions for growing potatoes right on your patio - no garden required!
Grow Bags - Tomatoes, Peppers, Herbs and Potatoes
Unique planters help you easily grow tomatoes, peppers, herbs and potatoes exactly where you want!
Flower Grow Bag
A stylish and convenient planter bag that lets you grow and display your blooms anywhere around your home that you wish.
Saddlebag Hanging Planter
A portable vertical planter that hangs over a railing, fence, gate, balcony, or anywhere else you dream up.
Carrot Grow Bag
Inside this cool new grow bag planter you can easily grow up to 3 pounds of tasty carrots! A unique addition to any deck or patio.
Garden Gloves with Claws
Waterproof garden gloves with four built-in plastic claws on the fingertips to help digging and planting in the garden - no garden tools needed or dirt under... More
Wrap And Grow - Gift Wrap Embedded With Flower Seeds
Eco-friendly, natural gift wrap with seeds embedded inside that grows flowers when planted in soil and watered.
Arta Tea Leaf Infuser
After a hectic day of modern technological frenzy, get back to nature and relax with a steaming cup of loose leaf tea brewed by this cool new tea infuser inspired... More
Self-Watering Wine Bottle Planter
Slip the terracotta pot over the neck of an empty wine bottle filled with water, drop in the rope wick, and then fill the pot up with soil and seeds.
Bhut Jolokia Ghost Chili - The Hottest Chili Pepper in the World!
The practically explosive Bhut Jolokia Ghost Chili is the current hottest chili pepper in the world with a Scoville Heat Rating of 1,001,304 SHU. Now you can... More
Light Up Plant Moisture Meter - Alerts When Plants are Thirsty
This innovative moisture meter monitors the soil down at the roots and blinks a bright red LED on top when it becomes too dry.
rootcup - Grow New Plants From Plant Cuttings
Help to easily clone, er, grow new plants from plant root and stem clippings, avocado plants from seeds, flowers from bulbs, succulents, airplants, and more.
Totem - Slow-Release Terra-Cotta Plant Watering Spikes
These convenient terra cotta watering spikes naturally seep water to a plant's roots for up to 1 week to help keep them hydrated when you're away or just when... More
Soil Socks - Perfect Mix Of Nutrients and Moisture
Rugged woven tubes that are pre-filled with an all-natural organic soil that provides the perfect mix of nutrients and moisture.
Mist-N-Pour - Two-in-One Watering Can and Spray Bottle
An innovative two-in-one watering can and spray bottle that lets you conveniently water the soil and spray the foliage with a simple twist of the sprayer head.
Roman Colosseum Planter
When I think of the Roman Colosseum, I will always think of epic bloody battles, gladiators, chariots and now plants. Plants? Yep, because as far cool planters... More
Dunecraft Stevia Sweet Leaf Plant Kit
Includes everything you need to grow your own edible stevia plant with leaves that are 30 times sweeter than ordinary table sugar!
Topsy Turvy Upside-Down Hot Pepper Planter
Easily grow, tend to and harvest hot chili peppers like jalapenos, habeneros and more, without bending or kneeling
Edamame Growing Kit
Kit comes with everything you need to grow your own edamame!

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