The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Tag: Nature (600) | Least Views Ever | Page 29

Tag: Nature | Least Views | 29
Pine Cone Candles
Decorative candles made from 100% unscented paraffin wax and shaped exactly like a real pine cone, but with a wick on top.
Columnar Apple Trees - Grow Vertically Without Branching Out
Grow delicious, full-sized apples in a sunny corner of the garden or in a pot on your patio. These special vertical varieties grow up to 10' tall, but their... More
Fish With Human Face - Video & Images
In South Korea, two hybrid fish from a pond in a personal house in the town Chongju have developed patterns on their bodies that resemble the human face!
California Redwoods To Grow At Home - Giant Sequoia or Coast Redwood!
Think how cool a giant California Redwood Tree in your yard would be. Take back the neighborhood! Give your kids the best treehouse! Hang a hammock betweeen... More
Mason Bee House - Attract Nature's Best Non-Stinging Pollinators To Your Garden
Boost your garden's productivity by providing a happy home for peaceful, non-stinging Mason bees. Slightly smaller than honeybees, Mason bees are incredible... More
Upside-Down Tomato Garden
Holds up to 4 tomato plants at once and the benefits are enormous, because you can forget about weeding, pests, rotting, hole digging, and staking cages.
Spacearium - Elliptical Suspended Aquariums
This has to be one of the most beautiful home aquariums we've ever seen. The ASP Space Aquarium is an elliptical suspended aquarium with no visual obstructions.
Falling Rain Chime Box
A maple wood box that produces sounds reminiscent of gentle falling rain to promote sleep, reduce stress, and help in meditation and relaxation.
Zero-Waste Solar Food Digester
It's not meant to make soil, it's designed to save landfill space by digesting all of your food waste into water, CO2 and a small amount of residue!
Faux Shrub Utility Cover
Realistic faux shrubs designed to conceal utility equipment eyesores around the outside of your home without interferring with their operation.
Ashera - World's Largest, Rarest and Most Exotic $20,000 House Cat
The Ashera is like a mini-Leopard, spots and all, but it's really a cool blend between an African Serval and the Asian Leopard Cat bred with a domestic cat.

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