The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Tag: Mischief (55) | Least Views Ever | Page 3

Tag: Mischief | Least Views | 3
Gigantic Light Up Tarantula
Whether it's Halloween or anytime of the year, unleash this massive, phobia-inducing furry spider to strike fear in others and a few laughs for yourself.
X Tape -  Optical Illusion Packaging Tape
Cool packaging tape that creates the illusion that your packages were securely sealed with metal tower bolts and hinges, leather straps, and o-rings.
Hand Captured Irish Leprechaun
Inside the ventilated cheesecloth-covered mason jar sits a hand captured lucky Irish Leprechaun on a little bit of his forest bedding. Can you get him to talk... More
Prank Hand Sanitizer - Really Works and Smells Like Ass!
This typical little squeeze bottle of hand sanitizer gel with aloe vera is completely real, except this funny prank version smells like total ass when it's applied... More
iPrank Cracked Screen Stickers
These realistic cracked screen stickers are perfect for pranking friends and family member's iPhones or iPads when they're not paying attention or they can simply... More
DuneCraft Spit Balls
These 21st century spit balls skip the spit and are made from non-toxic, hygienic polymers that grow up to 200 times their size!
World's Hottest Chocolate Bar - 9 Million Scoville Heat Units!
This tiny yet infernally hot chocolate bar is made from tasty milk chocolate infused with a sinister hot chili extract that reaches up to 9 million Scoville... More
Man Trapped Behind a Wall Grate Graphic
This creepy, double-take-inducing dimensional wall graphic depicts a mysterious man somehow trapped in an air duct behind a wall grate.
Pranksters - Light-Activated Annoying Sound Device
Hide these small, light-activated Pranksters in someone's bedroom, home or office. When the lights are on, they're quiet, but when the lights go off...that's... More
Phantom Keystroker V2 - Office Prank Device
It may look like a harmless usb thumb drive, but it's actually a devious contraption that periodically makes random mouse movements, toggles caps-lock and types... More
ThinkGeek Annoy-A-Tron - Turn On, Hide It and Laugh
This evil little gizmo is designed to be hidden somewhere where it can never be found and emits annoying beeping sounds randomly in 2-8 minute intervals.
ThinkGeek Eviltron - Turn On, Hide It and Laugh Diabolically!
A tiny and easy to hide prank device that emits creepy sounds like creaking, scratching, breathing, children laughing and whispers at random intervals.
Annoy-a-tron 2.0 - Turn On, Hide It and Laugh!
An evil little gizmo designed to be hidden somewhere where it can never be found as it emits random annoying sounds like beeps, crickets, doorbells, and more.

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