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Tag: Clocks (106) | Highest Price | Page 4

Tag: Clocks | High Price | 4
Clock With Hidden Safe
Hide money, documents, jewels, and other valuables right in plain sight when you stash them inside this cool new Clock With Hidden Safe.
Progression Wake Up Clock - Awaken Your Senses!
This alarm clock wakes you up by going after your senses of Sight with gradual ambient light, Sound with lively nature sounds and Smell with stimulating aromatherapy... More
iHome - Clock / Radio for iPod
If you have an iPod or other MP3 player, you'll need to check out this cool alarm clock to go with it.
DangerBomb Alarm Clock - Don't Cut the Wrong Wire!
This evil alarm clock is designed to look just like a real bomb with three colored lights and three colored wires. When the preset alarm sounds, you will have... More
Undial - Tabletop Sundial Time Projector
Based on the position of the sun, this tabletop sundial will project the current hour using shadows as sunlight passes through the slanted acrylic tube.
Floating Dome Clock
Classical walnut timepiece that appears to hover in mid air under the cover of a sleek glass dome!
Memory Ball Alarm Clock and Radio
Another innovative alarm clock featuring a magnetized metal ball to change radio stations. Weird.
NightWatch - Apple Watch Magnifying Clock Dock / Charging Station
A unique bedside charging dock for the Apple Watch that transforms it into a magnified alarm clock that looks a bit like a large water drop.
SmartSet Weather / Alarm Clock Radio
This cool new alarm clock radio never needs setting or resetting and alerts you if there is a weather emergency in your area.
AM/PM Wooden Coffee Mug Holder and Wine Glass Rack
Holds two coffee mugs for the AM hours and two wine glasses for the PM hours.
Clock Hands Wall Clock
This unique wall clock does away with the traditional numeric hour markings and shows the clock hands as markings for each hour instead.
Icon Clock
This simple clock is as about as minimalist as you can get.
Alcatraz Wall Clock
This prison wall inspired clock has unique digits that look like the numbers etched from a prisoner whose days are just crawling by.
The Pin Clock
Let time pass you by and enjoy every minute of it with this innovative clock that blends analog, digital, and mechanical!
Dusk Wall Clock - Changes Shades As Time Goes By
This unique wall clock / wall art from designer Lu Yicong uses two rotating polarized acrylic disks for the face that magically change gradients as the day goes... More
Eva Solo Magnetic Kitchen Timer
Sleek, stylish design helps monitor cooking times without taking up valuable kitchen space.
Room Tech Beingz - Temper Tantrum Throwing Alarm Clock
The world's first alarm clock to throw a full-scale raging temper tantrum if you don't awaken on time.
Clocky Robotic Wheeled Alarm Clock
As if ringing alarm clocks aren't annoying enough in the morning, now they can also jump right off your nightstand, onto the floor and roll around the room.... More
Revolution - Start Your Engines Alarm Clock
Awakens you with the exhilarating sound of a high-powered V8 engine increasing its RPMs as it cycles through four gears to top speed.
Two Hour Grey Sand Hourglass
A sleek and elongated grey sand-filled hourglass that gives you an extra hour of time to measure.
Sound-Activated Wooden Cube Clock
This seemingly simple wooden cube has no display whatsoever until you make a sharp sound like snapping your fingers, clapping your hands, or knocking on the... More

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