The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Tag: Pamper (161) | Highest Price | Page 8

Tag: Pamper | High Price | 8
Hinoki - Japanese Cypress Bath Tea Bags
Drop one of these bags filled with fragrant hinoki into your bath and transport your senses to the Japanese cypress forest.
Pet Robes
If your cat takes their pampered laziness beyond normal cat levels, then you might as well provide them a cute and comfy bathrobe to lounge around all day in... More
Pet Snack Launcher
When simply tossing your dog or cat a little snack treat is entirely too strenuous, simply grab this cool new Pet Snack Launcher, aim, pull the trigger, and... More
Cat Wine Pawty Pack - Liquid Catnip for Cats
Pour yourself a glass of wine, then pour one of these non-alcoholic catnip wines for your furry feline drinking buddy so you don't have to drink alone.
Cat Teasing Collar Toy
This hands-free cat toy is a collar attached to a wand that dangles unreachable feathers and a bell to drive your furry little feline friend completely crazy.
Lixit - Automatic Faucet Waterer for Dogs
Ensures that your furry best friend always has access to a fresh water source during the sweltering hot dog days of summer.
Shark Attack Bath Bomb - Turns Your Tub Into a Bloodbath!
Just when you thought it was safe to get into the bathtub, this cool new Shark Bath Bomb appears and turns the water into a disturbing yet quite relaxing fizzy... More
Cuddly Fleece Pet Sweatshirt
I'm pretty sure one day, we'll all look back and wonder how our pets ever survived in these current dark ages when they weren't sensibly dressed for the cold... More
PEZ Dog Treat Dispenser
Oversized version of the classic candy dispenser that serves up little bone-shaped dog biscuits for your furry best friend.
Shearling Fleece Winter Dog Coat
This cool new Shearling Fleece Winter Dog Coat will look not only give your furry best friend a stylish and trendy new look on walks during the long cold winter... More
Inflatable Party Hat For Cats
Let your furry feline friend join in at birthday parties or maybe even their own... if you like to throw birthday parties for cats.
SuperCat Caves - Catnip-Infused Brown Grocery Bags
These unique brown grocery bags are basically coated like a giant Scratch 'N Sniff sticker with micro-encapsulated catnip scent bubbles that burst when rubbed,... More
ChuckIt! Max Glow Ball Dog Toy
This super bright, glow-in-the-dark synthetic rubber ball charges up after 3 minutes of exposure to any bright light and then glows for hours or at least long... More
White and Green Variegated Cat Grass
Unique cat grass that sprouts fast-growing, bold leaves in bright white and green!

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