The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Tag: Mood (278) | Highest Price | Page 14

Tag: Mood | High Price | 14
Hotwicks Whiskey Scented Candle
This single-malt scented candle delivers hints of peat, caramel, and a peppery warming finish to your nose. It's complex, well-balanced, and reminiscent of wax!
Pumpkin Candles
Realistic pumpkin candles that feature candle tunnels that burn straight down and allow them to glow warmly from the inside.
Chip on Your Shoulder Halloween Costume
This funny, er, punny Halloween costume is just an oversized ridged potato chip that sits on your shoulder. Get it!?
H2O Water Candle Kit
Create a colorful candle with a mysterious flame that appears to be floating directly on the surface of the water!
Frosty Snowball Candles
It may look and melt just like a freshly packed snowball exposed to a flame, but it's actually just a realistic paraffin/plant wax sculpted candle replica.

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