The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Tag: Funny (2974) | Page 93

Tag: Funny | 93
Animated Inflatable Shivering Snowman
Massive inflatable snowmen standing in front lawns are fairly common to see in the winter, but I've never seen one that actually shivers and shakes in the frigid... More
Mr. Frost - Melting Snowman Kit
Kit lets you build a snowman and then watch it melt over and over again without using any real snow or making a slushy mess.
Holiday Gift Box Kitchen Appliance Covers
These festive coverings may look like wrapped presents, but they are actually clever disguises for concealing a blender, toaster, coffee maker, and other small... More
Strong Man Toilet Paper Holder
A weak toilet paper holder can only hold a single roll, but this mighty one is able to perform amazing feats of strength to hoist up an amazing two rolls at... More
Beer Hoodie - Sweatshirt With Beer Pouch
When the weather gets cool and crisp and you'll be standing around drinking beers in it, the cool new Beer Hoodie is the solution.
You Have Just Been Poisoned Etched Drinking Glass
If this makes you laugh, it's probably because you're sinister with a dark sense of humor. Muahahaha!
Das Horn - Modern Drinking Horn
This modern take on an ancient drinking vessel/horn is sure to be a hit with thirsty warriors everywhere.
Houndstooth Dog Draft Stopper
This dog-shaped draft stopper guards your doors from those biting cold, howling drafts from seeping in underneath.
Turkey Mask
Fun to wear for a few laughs during Thanksgiving dinner when the family starts the typical table clearing argument about politics or just about any other topic.
8-Bit Fireplace Art
This retro artwork for your fireplace by artist James Bit is inspired by one of the infamous fireballs seen in the caves and dungeons throughout the video game,... More
Gourd Doorstop
If you've always wondered what gourds are actually good for, decorative doorstops of course!
Candy Cane Bottle Stopper
The festive way to properly plug up an unfinished bottle of wine this holiday season.
Shot Flask - Flask with Built-In Collapsible Shot Glass
Enjoy your secret smuggled booze in a more civilized way from this flask's built-in collapsible shot glass.
Cocoa Trimming Kit with Snowman Marshmallows
The kit includes five snowman-shaped marshmallows and five candy cane sticks to make your hot chocolate more fun and festive.
Vintage Squirrel Nutcracker
If you can't get a real squirrel to come into your home to professionally crack your nuts for you, this cool new cast iron squirrel nutcracker makes a great... More
Musical Wine Glasses
Musical wine glasses with etchings on the glasses correspond to musical notations.
Big Head Squirrel Feeder
Just hang up and fill this feeder shaped like a giant squirrel head with food and watch as those goofy bushy-tailed tree rodents stand up underneath it to make... More
Massive Gummy Python - 26 Pounds, 36,720 Calories, 8 Foot Long
This colossal 8-foot candy serpent weighs in at 26 pounds with a whopping 36,720 calories of slitheringly sweet gumminess.
Star Trek Spock Oven Mitt
Although oven mitts aren't needed in the 23rd century world of food replicators, it would seem logical to wear one while handling hot pans in the oven here in... More
Giant Flip Clock
Somewhere in between sundials and modern smartphone digital timekeeping, there were these strange analog mechanical clocks that flipped vinyl panels with numbers... More

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