The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Tag: Safer (4) | Newest

Tag: Safer (4) | Newest
Goblies - Throwable Paintballs
Painless, throwable paintballs that can be thrown like a water balloon, but make colorful gooey splats just like if you were shot with a paintball gun.
Garden Hose Filter
Why use a garden hose water filter? It's perfect for healthier watering of plants, gardens, pets, and livestock, filling up kiddie pools, giant pools, hot tub,... More
Masterbuilt Butterball Indoor Turkey Fryer
This convenient electric fryer safely cooks turkeys up to 14 pounds indoors on your countertop using one-third less oil than conventional turkey fryers.
Char-Broil Big Easy - Oilless Infrared Turkey Fryer
Simply connect a propane tank to the fully-enclosed 18,000 BTU burner, add a turkey (up to 16 lbs!), chicken, beef roast, pork tenderloin, or other large cut... More

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