The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Tag: Ray Guns (4)

Tag: Ray Guns (4)
Mars Attacks Atomic Ray Gun with Illuminated Green Mist Laser Blasts
This replica of the Martian's atomic ray gun lights up with blue LEDs, plays space weaponry sounds, and shoots out an illuminated green mist laser blast.
Lifesize Mars Attacks Martian Warrior Animatronic Statue
This life-sized animatronic statue of one of the many truly evil, just for the fun of it, Martian warriors from Tim Burton's alien invasion flick, Mars Attacks!
Atomic Ray Gun Nose and Ear Hair Trimmer
Are your nostrils and ears being utterly invaded by terrifying alien hairs every single night while you sleep? Do you awaken your family every morning with screams... More
Captain Catchup - Retro Raygun Condiment Dispensers
Those retro 1950s science fiction movies all had cool rayguns that zapped out deadly particle beams, but only Captain Catchup's Raygun was able to blast alien... More

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