The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Tag: Gifts (6333) | Highest Price | Page 198

Tag: Gifts | High Price | 198
Arcade Game Ties - Asteroids, Pong, Tetris and Space Invaders
You're sure to get a high score in fashion when you combine the classic necktie with classic arcade games like Asteroids, Pon, Tetris and Space Invaders for... More
Pinocchio Toilet Brush
The handle of this funny toilet brush is actually Pinocchio's nose, the brush is Pinocchio's smiling face and his cap is the brush stand.
Soothing Aloe Vera Rock Garden
Grow one of the most essential and beneficial plants in the world that can clean the air, soothe and heal skin, and treat cuts, scrapes, and burns.
Wine Arc - Balancing Wine Bottle Display
A true conversational piece, this Wine Arc can balance your favorite bottle of wine in mid-air, making something that seems impossible a reality.
Snowflake Bubble - Ornament / Essential Oil Diffuser
This festive glass ornament has an inner bubble that holds and diffuses your favorite essential oils.
Chef's Professional Quad-Timer
The multitasker's 4 in 1 kitchen timer has 4 independent timers with indicators in a stovetop layout, so what you're cooking and timing visually correspond.
Hungry Piggy Bank Eats Your Money
The Hungry bank literally eats your money. The cute pig shape has a motion sensor that activates the mouth to chew the money until it is swallowed.
Animated Hitch Critters - Ball Hitch Cover and Brake Light
Give your trailer hitch a sense of humor.Take one of these critters for a ride on your trailer hitch, while providing a third brake light for added traffic safety.... More
Classic Snowman Kit
This waterproof and reusable kit includes 1 13 inch tall felt top hat with two pegs to secure it in place, 2 pieces of coal for the eyes, 1 carrot nose, 5 buttons... More
Driftwood and Glass Leaves Autumn Chimes
Colorful autumn themed frosted glass leaves suspended from a natural driftwood branch look luminous in sunlight and chime softly in a breeze.
Madison Avenue Whiskey Glasses
These luxurious glasses incorporate a sleek 1960s design inspired by the Mad Men TV series and feature mouth-blown, lead-free glass with a silver rim!
Mushroom Hose Guides
The charming little mushrooms are designed to safely guide hoses around gardens and landscaping elements to prevent damage to plants, flowers, and more.
Dawn Redwood Bonsai Kit
A majestic redwood tree can grow over 200 feet tall, but the cool new Dawn Redwood Bonsai Kit scales one down to reasonable proportions for your home or office!
Peanut Wreath - Bird Feeder and Squirrel Attractor
This peanut filled spiral wreath attracts hungry blue jays, chickadees, and woodpeckers, while enticing crazy nut-loving squirrels as well.
Magnetic Light Switch Cover
A standard sized switch cover plate with a high-powered magnet incorporated in the back to hold your keys.
Stainless Steel Ice Cubes with Tray
When you don't want to dilute your beverage down with melting ice, but want to keep it properly chilled, just plunk in a few of these cool new reusable Stainless... More
Stoneware Handwarmer Mug
This unique stoneware mug has a built-in pocket-styled handle that you slip your chilled fingers into to keep them warm while sipping your drink.
Teak Coasters
If teak is durable enough for boat decks on the open seas, then these cool new Teak Coasters are good enough to protect your table from mere beverage condensation... More
Tea Light Branches Wine Bottle Candelabra
A unique and decorative way to upscale an empty wine bottle into an illuminating candelabra.
Mouse Watering Can
Why is this whimsical yet functional hammered steel watering can shaped like a giant rodent complete with whiskers? I don't know, but it's definitely fun and... More
QuikChek - Tire Pressure Readout Gauges
These handy tire pressure readout gauges screw directly onto the valve stems of your car, truck, or motorcycle's tires to provide a dependable psi reading with... More

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