The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Tag: Driving (44) | Least Popular Today

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Dash Basher - Cure For Road Rage and Stress
Just grab this little soft, but firm foam bat the next time you feel your temperature rise behind the wheel and feel free to visciously bash your dashboard,... More
Rideable Star Wars Landspeeder
A long, long time ago back in my day, this cool new Rideable Star Wars Landspeeder by Radio Flyer would have been the greatest thing in the entire neighborhood...... More
Aroma2Go Anywhere -  Portable Essential Oil Diffuser
A compact, portable, and sleek stainless steel essential oil diffuser that lets you freshen the air with your favorite scent anywhere from your car to your office... More
Zeus - All-In-One Snow Shovel, Brush, and Ice Scraper
This compact snow and ice clearing multi-tool combines a shovel, brush, and ice scraper, all-in-one.
Tread Ahead Traction Helpers For Snow and Ice
These handy dual grip traction mats slip under your tires to give them needed traction and can even double as an ice scraper in a pinch.
Inflatable Car Buddy - Santa Claus
This festive, double-take-inducing holiday inflatable Santa Claus is designed to ride along with you in your vehicle in the passenger seat (or co-pilot on a... More
Virtual Reality Remote Control FPV Race Car - Puts You In the Driver's Seat!
This sleek remote-controlled race car puts you in the driver's seat when you strap on the included smartphone headset to see what the car sees in real time.
Burger Buddy - Mess-Free Silicone Burger / Sandwich Holders
Would you like to finally enjoy a thick, juicy cheeseburger with all the toppings and condiments without half of it spilling out the other side and making a... More
Animated LED Emoticon
It's the 21st century and instant state-of-the-art global communications are possible, yet the automobile still uses a lowly horn to get its message across.... More
LED Illuminated Vehicle Christmas Wreath - Battery-Powered
This festive 12 inch Christmas wreath is designed for vehicles and is decorated with bright, battery-powered LED lights, a big red bow, and red holly berries.
Giant Inflatable Hands!
These cool inflatable hands have Velcro fasteners on the fingers to allow you to make all kinds of wonderful hand gestures.
Anti-Ticket Donut
The Anti-Ticket Donut is a donut (fake) placed inside a platinum colored can with windowed lid. It is a novelty that a person would use to give to a police... More
Rotary Vehicle Push Start Button Cover
Just give this sleek metal cover a twist to reveal your vehicle's start/stop button hiding behind the rotating iris-style cover.
Rear View Mirror Bluetooth Car Kit - Speakerphone, Caller ID and Headset
A Bluetooth rear view mirror speakerphone that displays incoming calls on the mirror itself and has a removable wireless headset for private communications.
Auto Care Kit - Vacuum, Tire Inflator and Emergency Tools
A versatile all-in-one 14-piece vehicle emergency, maintenance and cleaning tool.
AlertMe - Wearable Anti-Sleep Driving Alarm
This lightweight device slips over the ear and if your head tilts forward more than 15-20 degrees, a 90 decibel alarm blasts you out from your peaceful slumber.
Collapsible Electric Golf Cart
This innovative electric golf cart folds down into a more compact form for more convenient portability and space-saving storage when not in use.
GPS Driving Activity Reporter - Tracks Speeds, Places and Routes Traveled
This covert GPS device monitors and tracks a car's activity and provides a detailed report of places, routes, and speeds traveled.
New Car Scent Candle
Wish your home, garage, man cave, or used car dealership office could smell more like the inside of a brand new sports car with Italian leather seats?
Traction Runners
If your car gets stuck in the snow, simply slide these tough, non-woven fiber runners under your tires to give them a dry, non-slippery surface to grip!
Royal VKB Fresh Traveller
Eat, drink or make a mix of the two on the go! Freshly transport milk and cereal, fruit and yogurt, salad and dressing, soup and crackers, biscuits and gravy... More

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