The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Tag: Challenges (74) | Highest Price | Page 4

Tag: Challenges | High Price | 4
Rubik's Phantom Cube
This challenging 3x3 puzzle cube has all black thermochromic tiles that temporarily reveal their colors with the heat of your touch and then fade back to black.
Dangerous Games to Play in the Dark
Gather up your bravest friends and fiends and dabble with dark rituals as you summon spirits, divine the future, and invoke the supernatural with this creepy... More
Sausage Fingers - Party Challenge Game
This surreal party game has players competing with one another to complete very simple tasks... while wearing giant floppy sausages on their fingers.
World's Smallest Strongman Game - Test Your Strength!
Step right up! This miniature version of the classic carnival high striker game is a fully working reproduction complete with a little mallet to swing down on... More
Chocolate-Covered Scorpion
There's farm to table and then there's desert to dessert with this fully edible and quite tasty HotLix Chocolate-Covered Scorpion.
Lil' Nitro - The World's Hottest Gummy Bear - 9 Million Scoville!
This is the world's hottest gummy bear that reaches a staggering 9 million Scoville Heat Units, which is like 4 times the hotness of the world's current hottest... More
Fried Chicken Candy
When you pop a hard candy into your mouth, normally you wouldn't expect it to taste like chicken, but that all changes with this cool new Fried Chicken Candy.
Possum-Flavored Candy Canes
While these goofy-looking, garbage-loving marsupials may sound tasty, these candy canes use an artificial possum/opossum flavor that resembles pork instead.
Yellow Mustard Flavored Soda
This condiment inspired soda pop has a refreshing and effervescent complex flavor that's tangy, sour, sweet, and very reminiscent of yellow mustard.
Stang! The World's Most Sour Soda
Love insanely sour flavors or extreme challenges? Then this blue raspberry soda that is 20X more sour than other sour drinks is for you.
Jones Soda Turkey and Gravy Soda
Jones Soda Turkey and Gravy Soda has returned in a limited edition special release run of 35,000 individually numbered collectible bottles to give you a taste... More

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