The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Tag: Contraptions (382) | Page 2

Tag: Contraptions | 2
Curl-A-Dog - Spiral Hot Dog Slicer
Instantly cut hot dogs or sausages into flexible spirals with edges that char evenly on the grill and deep grooves that lock toppings and condiments in place.
Rig Tig Drop Colander
Fill the teardrop bowl with greens, herbs, vegetables, or fruits, rotate the lid to close, run water down through the handle to rinse, and then shake to drain.
No Fry Corn Dog Maker - Cheese Sticks, Cake Pops, Waffle Sticks, and More!
Whip up a variety of healthier, homemade foods on sticks like corn dogs, cheese sticks, cake pops, pancake/sausages, and much more without any messy frying.
Al Dente - Singing Floating Pasta Timer
Drop this little red man in boiling water along with the pasta and it will sing different melodies at 3, 7, 9, and 11 minutes to alert you when it's al dente.
Kuhn Rikon Corn Zipper with Silk Removal Brush
This handy stainless steel kitchen tool unzips multiple rows of kernels off an ear of corn with just a simple pull.
SmithFly Shoal Floating Tent
Who wants to camp on boring old dry land? Sleep under the stars while floating along on the water with this cool new inflatable Floating Tent.
Paper Log Maker - Make Briquettes From Newspaper, Shredded Paper, and Bits of Cardboard
This heavy duty steel press is designed to turn old newspapers, shredded paper and mailings, and bits of cardboard into burnable briquettes with ease.
Sandwich Decruster and Sealer - Make Round or Square Pocket Sandwiches
Make homemade crust-free pocket sandwiches for kids (or you) that are just like the ones found in stores, except much healthier and tastier.
Magnetic Hourglass
Falling grains of sand just make a pile of sand, but the falling magnetic iron filings in this hourglass pile into ever-changing artistic patterns.
Create all sorts of homemade meats on a stick from hotdogs and corndogs to gyro meat and hamburger rolls with just a skewer and a simple press.
Hanging Herb Drying Rack - Preserve Fresh Herbs, Flowers, Hot Peppers, Garlic, and More
The perfect spot to air dry and preserve fresh cut garden herbs, fragrant flowers, hot peppers, garlic, and more - no electricity needed.
Bacon Toaster
A space-saving, 2-in-1 kitchen appliance designed to toast up to 6 strips of bacon using a healthier vertical cooking method to drain most of the fat and grease... More
Chef'n Sweet Spot - Instant Rolled Ice Cream Maker
Quickly create homemade ice cream, rolled ice cream, frozen yogurt, sorbets, slushies, frozen margaritas, and more with total ease - no rock salt, electricity,... More
Viski Smoked Cocktail Kit
This cool new Viski Smoked Cocktail Kit lets home bartenders become budding home mixologists by infusing cocktails, whiskey, tequila, and other spirits with... More
Zyliss SmoothSlizer - Vegetable Pasta Maker and Spiralizer
An innovative rotary slicer that creates unbroken spirals, sheets, and ribbons from a variety of cylindrical vegetables and fruits for a healthier, lighter,... More
Foghat Cocktail Smoker
This hand-carved white oak smoker infuses aromatic wood smoke into cocktails, spirits, wine, and even foods like cheese and meats to not only enhance the flavor,... More
Rustic Wooden Orchard Rack
Place this rustic wooden vegetable storage rack in a cool and dry spot, like down in a dark cellar, and then fill up the six slatted drawers with keeper crops... More
Cake Shapers - Flexible Silicone Strips Bake Any Shape
A set of four flexible silicone strips that can be connected together to create unique baking molds in any shape you wish.
Zeller Bread Bin
Help prevent your fresh homemade loaves of bread, store bought sliced bread, rolls, tortillas, bagels, muffins, and other assorted baked goods from going stale,... More
Foody 12 - Vertical Hydroponic Garden Tower
A futuristic vertical hydroponic garden tower that lets you easily grow up to 44 vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers all year long from inside your home using... More
TofuXpress -  Tofu Press / Marinating Dish
This convenient self-contained food press / marinating dish not only presses excess water from standard bricks of tofu with total ease, it also presses vegetables,... More

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