The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Page 4 | Archives: November 2012 - Highest Price (81)

Page 4 | Archives: November 2012 - Highest Price (81)
Stemless Stainless Steel Wine Glasses
If you enjoy white wine or just chilled wine in general, then check out these sleek and modern stainless steel stemless wine glasses. Plus, they don't shatter!
Thera-flex Therapy Putty
Professional grade therapeutic putty designed for hand and finger exercise and rehab, plus stress reduction as well.
Holiday ScissorTape - Scissors and Tape All-In-One
This ingenious gift wrapping tool fuses a handy tape dispenser to the handle of a pair of scissors so you can snip and tape with ease.
Rocket Ship Tea Infuser
If steeping a cup of tea doesn't bring enough sheer excitement to your life, this cool new Rocket Ship Tea Infuser may just give it a boost.
Airborne Microbes Screaming Diseases - The Fun Way to Spread Germs
These squishy germs come in either a gross, snot-colored common cold or a brown and hairy E. Coli that can flung through the air with disgusting sound effects... More
Candy Cane Bottle Stopper
The festive way to properly plug up an unfinished bottle of wine this holiday season.
Crunch Mallows - Dehydrated Cereal Marshmallows
I can't believe they've finally done it... a cereal that's nothing but marshmallows.
You Have Just Been Poisoned Etched Drinking Glass
If this makes you laugh, it's probably because you're sinister with a dark sense of humor. Muahahaha!
Gerber Shard - Multi-Purpose Keychain Tool
A multi-purpose mini keychain tool, so you'll never be without a Phillips driver, small flat driver, medium flat driver, bottle opener, pry bar, lanyard ring,... More
Cocoa Trimming Kit with Snowman Marshmallows
The kit includes five snowman-shaped marshmallows and five candy cane sticks to make your hot chocolate more fun and festive.
Frosty Snowball Candles
It may look and melt just like a freshly packed snowball exposed to a flame, but it's actually just a realistic paraffin/plant wax sculpted candle replica.

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