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Zippo FlameScapes - Spiral Fire Feature XL

Zippo FlameScapes - Spiral Fire Feature XL

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Want to enjoy the relaxing outdoor ambiance of a fire pit without all the hassle, mess, and smoke right on your patio table? Then check out this cool new yet quite warm Zippo FlameScapes - Spiral Fire Feature XL. This stunning tabletop fireplace generates a tall, twisting spiral flame inside a glass chimney from a can of gel fuel for up to 2 hours without any soot, smoke, or ash. The unique shape of the glass chimney creates a vortex airflow that causes the flame contained within to safely spiral in a mesmerizing display kind of like a fire twister. It features a hinged door for easy fuel access, includes a snuffer to quickly extinguish the flame, has a weighted base to prevent tipping, and is available in either black or silver finishes. Check out the video below to see it in action. šŸ”„šŸŒŖļø

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